Stronger Together! CDC Foundation, CDC, and Amgen Oncology Celebrate 10 Years of partnership with the launch of a new PSA

At Amgen, we recognize that collaborations with others across the healthcare system can help us do more to improve the lives of people tackling cancer. This month marks the tenth anniversary of our partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the CDC Foundation on the Preventing Infections in Cancer Patients program. 

Each year, more than half a million patients with cancer are treated with chemotherapy which may lead to a weakened immune system, known as neutropenia. This poses an increased risk of infection, which can lead to hospitalization, disruption in treatment, or in the worst case, death. That’s why, back in 2009, we supported the development of the program, to provide evidence-based resources for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals to help raise awareness of the risk of infection during chemotherapy, and the steps that can be taken to lower that risk. These resources have been downloaded over 1.5 million times!

We have continued to grow the program and extend its impact. Earlier this year we introduced a Spanish Language version of the program resources - 3 Pasos Para Prevenir infecciones durante el tratamiento del cáncer, to meet the needs of the Spanish speaking Hispanic men and women tackling cancer.

We’re celebrating our 10-year anniversary with our first ever PSA! Click to listen to top tips on how to lower infection risk during chemotherapy from the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control’s Lisa Richardson, MD, MPH. And visit to find out more.

Here’s to many more years of collaboration!

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