
Our total water usage through 2022 decreased by 199,000 cubic meters from a 2019 baseline, representing 23%1 of our 2027 targeted reduction. Water decreases are the result of using new technologies, as well as water efficiency projects and water treatment and recycling efforts.

Water Intake (1,000 CM)


  1. Reductions take into account only verified reduction projections, do not take into account changes associated with the contraction or expansion of the Company and are measured against a 2019 baseline.
  2. 2007 is the initial environmental sustainability program year.
  3. 2019 is the 2027 ambition base year.

Continuing the progress we've made on our water reduction achievements from our first two sustainability programs, we are working toward reducing our water usage1 by an additional 40% through our eliminate-reduce-reuse-recycle approach. This approach includes using new technologies, as well as water efficiency projects and water treatment and recycling efforts, across the enterprise. While our strategy is global, we focus on Amgen sites in water-stressed regions.

Water Sources

Most of the water we use—99 percent of it—comes from municipal sources. A much smaller portion—1 percent—comes directly from groundwater.

Managing Wastewater

Successful water management includes reducing water consumption while also monitoring wastewater discharge. To comply with local wastewater requirements, Amgen facilities operate under agreements that regulate the amounts and types of materials discharged in wastewater.


  1. footnote TK