Amgen Statement on Veto for California Biosimilars Bill | Amgen

Amgen Statement on Veto for California Biosimilars Bill

As a supporter of SB 598, Amgen is disappointed Governor Brown did not sign the bill but appreciates the Governor's acknowledgement that physicians want notification about which biologic is dispensed.  We congratulate the California legislature for holding a robust and well informed debate where the bill received overwhelming support. 

This is a missed opportunity to establish a clear, orderly system for introducing biosimilars into California law, and defining key terminology for our healthcare providers. 

The bill would have given Californians with serious illnesses increased access to biologic and biosimilar medicines in a way that maintained patient medical records and facilitated manufacturer accountability. 

SB 598 was intended to be consistent with the federal law definition of interchangeable as reflecting FDA's scientific determination that the product may be substituted without the intervention of the prescriber.