Annual Declaration of Compliance

In accordance with Chapter 8, Part 15, Division 104 of the California Health and Safety Code (§§ 119400-119402), Amgen, Inc. has established an annual aggregate dollar limit of $2,000 per healthcare professional licensed in California for the following items: 1) meals provided in connection with informational presentations or scientific exchange; 2) educational items intended to enhance patient care (excluding items of minimal monetary value and/or of no independent value (e.g. printed advertising, reimbursement fact sheets)) and items for the benefit of and distribution to patients/care givers.

Based on a good faith understanding of the statutory requirements, Amgen's Corporate Compliance Program meets the requirements of Chapter 8, Part 15, Division 104 of the California Health and Safety Code (§§ 119400-119402). Amgen requires our employees to comply with our Code of Conduct, healthcare compliance policies, and other policies related to gifts, promotional materials, or items or activities provided to healthcare professionals. Furthermore, our Corporate Compliance Policies have been designed to prevent and detect violations. In the event Amgen becomes aware of potential violations of law or company policy, Amgen will, where appropriate, take reasonable steps to investigate the matter, pursue disciplinary action, and/or implement corrective measures to prevent future violations.

The above Declaration and Amgen's Code of Conduct, as well as Amgen's Corporate Compliance Policies, can be printed from this website. You can view, download, and then print, Amgen's Staff Code of Conduct by clicking here. If you would like to receive a printed version of this Annual Declaration of Compliance and/or Amgen's Staff Code of Conduct, you may call Amgen's Business Conduct Hotline at (888) 376-5574. If you call the Business Conduct Hotline, please state that you are requesting a printed copy of Amgen's Annual Declaration of Compliance and/or Staff Code of Conduct.

Dated: June 1, 2024